Am I suitable?
Absolutely everybody is suitable to give sound healing a try! Whether you're young or old, fragile or tough, ask me how vibration can change your life!
How long does it take?
From beginning to end your individual session will be between 60-90 minutes. We'll explore your needs before I begin. You'll be laying on a massage table.
Can I drive after the treatment?
Yes, you can. I'll give you some time to get grounded after the experience and I even offer dark chocolate to remember how sweet it is to be human!
Will it hurt?
Sound healing won't hurt, even a little bit! You may have some intense emotions come up, which I encourage people to breathe deeply through. That's the energy being release from deep within your body!
Is it safe?
Sound healing is 100% safe. The vibrations will never do anything negative to your body at all, only positive shifts will happen!
What do I need to do to prepare?
Spend some time feeling into what you want as an intention. One of my trainers (Jonathan Goldman) says "frequency + intention = healing. " I also suggest clients drink plenty of water before and after their treatment. Vibrations work primarily with our water bodies and so the more, the merrier!